See Something, Say Something

If you See Something, Say Something® is a national campaign used to help raise awareness to suspicious activity. The Tulare City School District challenges staff and students, alike, to "have each other's back" and to report any and all suspicious activity that can place someone in danger.
One can Say Something by any of the following means:
- Telling a teacher
- Telling someone in the office
- Telling the school principal or vice principal
- Telling a parent
- Making a Sprigeo report (which can be anonymous)
- Calling the District Office
- Calling Tulare Police Department
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, the worst you can do is nothing."
-Theodore Roosevelt

If you feel unsafe or know someone who feels unsafe, please report it here. After you fill out the form, Sprigeo sends an email to an administrator with all of the details from your report. You can also download one of the apps from the Apple Store or the Android Marketplace to submit a report.
We believe that all students have a right to a safe, secure, and healthy school environment. Our school, with support from the district and school communities, is committed to promoting an atmosphere of mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance.
Bullying Prevention & Student Behavior Intervention Activities
Prevention and Awareness Raising Strategies
- Assemblies (CARE Overview/Expectations)
- Student recognition assemblies each trimester
- Banners on campus promoting CARE/wristbands
- Kid of Character positive referrals
- Positive activities directed by student council
- Morning announcements reminders
Intervention and Support Strategies
- Second step lessons
- Too Good For Drugs
- Common sense media lessons
- Trimester student recognition assemblies
- Assemblies
- Schoolwide assemblies
- Share S.T.O.P. data with all staff
- Share student survey results
- CREW for intermediate recess
- Schoolwide “How Full is Your Bucket?”
Incident Reporting
- Administration
- Teachers
- Special friends (K-3)
- Social worker
- Parents
- Classified staff
- Website
- Assemblies
- Parent link messages
- Teacher/parent/administration
*This system should not be used for an emergency. If this is an emergency or other urgent matter, call 911. This system is NOT monitored in real time or at all hours of the day.