Our Response to Intervention
Mission Valley's Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a framework of instruction that we use at Mission Valley for early identification and support of our students with learning or behavioral needs. RTI is a tiered approach that begins with a universal screening of all our students.
All Kindergarteners through 3rd graders participate in a walk to intervention session. The students attend different classes that focus on their individual needs including letters and sounds, phonics decoding skills, fluency, retelling a story, and vocabulary development. Fourth, fifth, and Sixth graders who qualify receive targeted reading instruction based on their needs. The groups are flexible and change regularly to ensure that students are provided with the correct level of instruction.
We provide our students who are struggling with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate progress. We use a wide range of interventions and many are technology-based. We monitor each of our student’s growth regularly. Our students who are receiving interventions are monitored a bit more closely and more frequently. If you have concerns about your child’s progress, please contact his or her teacher.